Thursday, July 11, 2013

A Dog...Exactly That.

I honestly believe that it is important that, if you want an animal, you should get an animal well BEFORE you have children. Why, you ask? Because, before children, your animal is, essentially, your child. Other than yourself, that animal is the only other living creature that consistently has your full attention and love. You will do anything for your animal (lets just say dog?). Take your dog everywhere. Spoil it. Love it. Let is sleep with you on the couch, or in/on the bed! Bathe it regularly, play with it ALL the time, take it on walks…Well, guess what? Those are all things you do when you pay attention to your own children. You love them unconditionally, you put up with all the yucky stuff because they are oh so worth it and oh so cute! You bathe them daily, you spoil them, you take them on walks, they go with you EVERYWHERE…and, in a baby carrier/Bjorn, they are essentially like one of those tiny little puppies in a puppy purse…Its the same idea. Except kids are way better than dogs..obviously..

When you have a child PRE-dog, the dog is just that. A dog. A dog that doesn't need your undivided attention and doesn't need to be spoiled from sun up to sun down. A dog can be outside in the rain and get scolded for ANY mess that it makes…A dog is a dog. They have survived in the wild for a few thousand years (or whatever) and they will be JUST fine..

But thats just it; dogs, I believe, DO need all that love and attention as if they were your child.

That is why we should have gotten a cat.


  1. Good point. Which is why cats are better than dogs, but not smarter. We basically ignore Pepper and Pisces except for twice daily meal times, and they couldn't care less. Although whenever I'm outside they follow me around (carefully), hoping to get petted. When I throw stuff at them they'll run away, but in five minutes they're back. I think they're just bored, and even Dad is more interesting than nothing.

    1. I was definitely hesitating to comment that cats were, in fact, SMARTER, than dogs...just better...they care less. Like me! ;)
