Sunday, October 13, 2013

Love is...


Really? To me, that is bad news. This is not good. I am FAR from patient. But, I DO love my kids, my husband...etc etc.

I created this little piece of artwork, framed it, and set it in our bathroom. "Love is patient", it says. I told him that I think it would be a cute idea to go through the list in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8, starting from the beginning. We would work together focused heavily on each trait. Then, once we both feel that the other has improved a great deal, I would create artwork for the next trait and frame on and so forth!

Well, its been sitting on our counter for about a year now. And let's just be honest, I don't think it is ever going to come down. I think we are stuck at "patient. What the heck?! Why am I so bad at being patient? That seemed to take too long to answer. So, I think in order to answer that question, I have to "know my enemy"...what makes me IMPATIENT...? Well, that is much MUCH easier question to answer. Pride. Selfishness. Greed. Laziness...Oh My Gosh. The list goes on.

So, how discouraging is this? I am getting the feeling that some people are gonna read this and think, "Uhm, this doesn't apply to me! I love my husband/kids/insert-important-person-here no matter what, without fail, ALL.THE.TIME....I'm gonna call your BS. I'm sorry. Good luck with that, seriously. We are selfish and self-centered human beings. I honestly believe we really aren't capable of perfect love for that very reason. We are in love with ourselves more than anything. Even if we wish we weren't. Even if we don't think we are. Even if we try really-super-ubber-duper hard not to be. We fail...

Ohmigosh, Liz, this is depressing and kind of mean...

Okay okay. THERE IS GOOD NEWS! :) (Oh really...??)

This reminds me of a sermon I heard at Living Stones in Reno. They talked about Jesus (of course!) and His perfect love for us. He loved us perfectly and sacrificed His life so that if we loved Him, our "trying" would be enough. He knew we couldn't be perfect, but thankfully, Jesus redeemed us and has forgiven us for being imperfect. (*phew!*)

In addition to this, in the sermon, they talked about viewing others through a filter. We will call it our "Jesus Filter". Jesus loved us despite our imperfections. And he loved us perfectly...So what I am thinking is that, if we make a habit of viewing others through our "Jesus Lens", that we will be MUCH better equipped to Love the way we are intended to Love. Although, we know we will never be perfect, it is a huge relief that there is some ounce of hope.

And THAT, my friends is very, very, very


1 Corinthians 13:4-8

Love is patient, 
love is kind
It does not envy
it does not boast
it is not proud. 
It does not dishonor others
it is not self-seeking, 
it is not easily angered, 
it keeps no record of wrongs. 
Love does not delight in evil 
but rejoices with the truth. 
It always protects
always trusts
always hopes
always perseveres.
Love never fails.


  1. The irony is that leaving a framed picture of "patient" up for more than a year is actually very patient. In your impatience I thought you might have moved on to "kind" a long time ago. Maybe it's time to change the rule and move on anyway. Like for example, put each trait up and focus on it for only 6 months. That way you'll be done in just 8 years. As opposed to never... Love, Dad :-)

  2. Your dad is funny :) but this post is so true. I, too, am not very patient and this was a good way to look at it. And maybe you just put up the other 15 up around the house in other places... so they are constant reminders.

    xoxo miss you lady!!
